The Father's Renovation Program - Sharla Fritz

The Father’s Renovation Program

I’m honored to have a post on The Perennial Gen this week. Read about God’s renovation program for our souls.

“Should we watch another?’ my sister asked. When I spent a weekend with my sister in her Tucson home, we passed some time on her new reclining sofa in front of the TV. Although we walked at a botanical garden and hiked in a national park, we also relaxed by watching a marathon of HGTV home makeover shows. Whenever I witness the process of taking something old and worn and making it beautiful again, something in my spirit also experiences a transformation.

As we watched, I noticed that some of the renovators stripped the aging homes of everything old and installed brand-new flooring, walls, appliances, and furniture. These houses now looked completely different. Although I had to agree that the home looked better, the drastic change made me wonder if the old building wondered, “Was I really that bad?”

My favorite shows featured ancient buildings that needed a tremendous amount of work just to make them functional again. But while the renovators repaired the leaky plumbing, updated the electrical service, and refinished the worn wooden floors, they kept the character of the home. Not everything old was discarded. (Something I appreciate the greater my age!)

When I returned to my home in suburban Chicago, I thought of how the process of renovating a home sometimes resembles the process God uses to refurbish our souls. Sometimes I have felt that I needed to look like one of those perfectly renovated homes before God would slow down, pull over to the curb, and notice me. So I’ve embarked on my own remodeling projects—reading self-improvement books, taking classes, setting goals—so I could look flawless.

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Want even more?

Here’s another post about not trying to do everything on your own.