When Your Goals Become A Distraction - Sharla Fritz

When Your Goals Become A Distraction


You’ve probably heard the quote,

If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.

I’m a big believer in goals. In targeting a few life objectives. In formulating plans.

Because, without aiming at a target, it’s easy to wander through life drifting through the gift of time God has given without making a difference in the world.

distractedbygoalsBut lately I’ve seen that my goals may also hold me back.

Not because they are too big.

Because they are too small.

A list of my goals for the next few weeks might look something like this:

  • Clean and organize bedroom closet
  • Write two new blog posts
  • Organize digital photos
  • Finish new book proposal

Some of those are huge goals. Anyone who knows my clothes-buying habit knows my closet is overflowing. The book proposal is an exciting new venture that might lead to something big. Organizing our photos is an enormous job because my husband takes thousands of digital photos.

But even so, my plans are puny compared to God’s plans for me. One of my favorite verses is Ephesians 3:20:

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us.

God’s plans are much grander than any I could come up with myself. My goals often have to do with the stuff of this world: possessions, work, success. But God’s vision for my life is all about my character, my soul, my eternal worth.

It’s a little like I’m walking with Jesus on life’s path. He’s pointing out all the beautiful mountains and waterfalls and rainbows. But I’m too busy looking down on the ground looking for pebbles.

I’m distracted from the beauty that is my life by being too preoccupied with tiny ambitions.

Life with Jesus means trusting His plan for me. It means holding His hand and letting Him guide. Click To Tweet

Life with Jesus means trusting His plan for me. It means holding His hand and letting Him guide. It means appreciating the beauty He has already placed in my life.

Sometimes it also means letting go of my own goals so that I can follow God’s.

If I aim at nothing (but my own goals), I may hit it every time (but miss God's big plan). Click To Tweet

If I aim at nothing (but my own goals), I may hit it every time (but miss God’s big plan).

Next step: Write down three goals you have for your life. Spend five minutes praying, asking God to show you if these goals are the goal He has for your life. Ask Him to show you His goals for your life.


If you would like to learn more about avoiding distractions and living a focused life, check out my new book Distracted: Finding Faith-Focus Habits for a Frenzied World on Amazon.The ebook is only $3.99!

Inside you will find 16 Faith-Focus Habits that will help you:

  • find focus by connecting to God 
  • truly pay attention to what is essential
  • prioritize your day
  • find focus in your work
  • make important choices
  • defeat the distractions of technology
  • find rest in our hectic world