success Archives - Sharla Fritz

Success 101: A Biblical Primer on Success

Ever wonder about God’s view of success? His Word gives excellent instruction on the topic. Here’s a biblical primer on success. Start reading here and then head over to for the full article.

Signing up for any college course means studying. You listen to lectures. Read textbooks. Conduct research online. Education helps you become an expert in your field.

Learning about success is much the same. We can sign up for webinars about productivity. Listen to leadership podcasts. Buy one of the 80,000 books on success that online retailers have to offer. 

But the best source for wisdom on success is found in a book you probably already own—the Bible. Inside this familiar book, you can find timeless principles about achievement, accomplishment, and prosperity. The values taught in Scripture are just as true today as they were when they were written thousands of years ago.

Read God’s textbook and learn His view of success. Below, you’ll find eight passages on the subject—plus a few questions to get you thinking about how you can apply God’s perspective to your work and personal success:

Proverbs 3:3-5

“Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you;

    bind them around your neck;

    write them on the tablet of your heart.

So you will find favor and good success

    in the sight of God and man.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

    and do not lean on your own understanding.” (ESV)

The world’s formula for success may be: Claw your way to the top. Don’t worry about stepping on others’ toes on the way up. And don’t depend on anyone else for your success. 

But the Bible says love and faithfulness are keys to success. Hesed, the Hebrew word for love used in this verse, is characterized by strength and kindness. Instead of clawing our way to the top, God asks us to show grace and consideration to others. And faithfulness leads to success because people will turn to reliable and stable workers rather than those who seem changeable and erratic.

This passage also instructs us to trust and rely on God instead of ourselves. When we depend on the Lord’s wisdom instead of our limited understanding, we have an advantage over others. Plus, wholeheartedly leaning on God will make you successful in His eyes.

Questions to consider:

How can you apply steadfast love and faithfulness to your work?

What do you need to trust God with regarding your job or home responsibilities?

Where have you perhaps leaned on your own abilities instead of God? How can you change this?

Proverbs 16:3

“Commit your work to the Lord,
    and your plans will be established.” (ESV)

In our world, it seems like whatever success we have totally hinges on our efforts. So we work longer and longer hours to get ahead. We take on more and more responsibility to attract praise from our bosses.

But God says we can commit our work to Him. Another version of the Bible says it this way, “Roll your works upon the Lord [commit and trust them wholly to Him]” (Proverbs 16:3 AMPC). Our heavenly Father invites us to roll all our burdens of balancing budgets and managing schedules onto Him. We can trust Him to help us with everything from gigantic corporate projects to our weekly menu planning. God will establish our plans when we first go to Him in prayer and ask Him to show us His will.

Questions to consider:

What work and plans do you want to commit to the Lord?

How does faith make a difference in your work?

How does praying that God’s will be done change your attitude about your plans?

Go to to continue reading a biblical primer on success. There you’ll fine 7 more Scripture passages and lessons about success.

3 Reasons Success May Be Your Favorite Idol

Not sure if success may be your favorite idol? Learn more from this article I wrote for Start reading here and then click to continue on their site.

When I traveled to Israel, I visited the famous Israel Museum where I saw many examples of idols. Molded bronze images. Carved wooden figurines. Statues of fertility goddesses. Even though God had commanded the Israelites, “You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth” (Exodus 20:3-4), God’s people often disobeyed. And we wonder: How could they worship an inanimate object—something so obviously lifeless? 

We may not bow down to statues or figurines, yet our culture has its own idols. A counterfeit god doesn’t have to be made of bronze or wood to become an object of worship. Martin Luther said, “Whatever your heart clings to and confides in, that is really your God, your functional savior.” An idol is anything that captures our hearts, anything that becomes more important than God.

Using this definition, we can see that modern idols might include 3000-square-foot houses or big-screen TVs. Our culture sometimes worships social standing or advanced degrees. Instead of inanimate statues, we might put our favorite sports teams or entertainers up on pedestals. 

The Idol of Success

Another common modern idol is the god of success. Our culture tends to worship the winners. It idolizes wealth and fame. It places achievement and accomplishment above all else. 

You might not recognize this man-made god in your life, but here are three reasons why success may be your favorite idol.

Reason Number One

We live in a success-worshiping world. People would think us very strange if we bowed down to a golden statue, but they applaud those who pursue success at all costs. Books about achieving success sell millions of copies. People flock to movies about the person who makes it big after years of struggle because it makes them believe someday that can be their story, too. We even have awards shows for the biggest successes in entertainment and present little statues to the stars. Success is an acceptable idol in the eyes of the world.

Discover two more reasons why success may be your favorite idol at You will also learn three suggestions for overcoming any success-worshiping tendencies you may have.

You can learn more about a biblical view of success in my new book, Measured by Grace: How God Defines Success. If you’ve ever felt like your life is a mess or that it’s too small to make any difference, read how God defines success!

This book studies eight “failures” in the Bible–people who either made a big mess of their lives or simply didn’t look like a success in the eyes of the world. By examining their lives you’ll discover that God redeems our failures and doesn’t measure us by wealth or fame. He measures us by His grace! You can find out more about this eight-week Bible study book and download a FREE chapter here.

5 Lies About Success You Might Believe

This post detailing 5 lies about success is from an article I wrote for

Start reading here and then click to continue on their site.

How do you define success? Our world seems to have definite ideas about who is successful and who most definitely is not. Elon Musk? Yes. He’s the world’s wealthiest man. Tom Brady? Of course. Everyone admires the GOAT in football, right? Meryl Streep? Sure. Her acting abilities are second to none.

But what about the clerk at the grocery store? The teller at the bank? The custodian at your son’s school? Are they successful too?

It depends on what you believe about success. 

Here are five things that many people believe about success that is, in fact, lies. Have you ever believed any of these statements?

1. Success is Only Measured by Wealth and Fame

Most of our modern culture behaves as if this is true. The Elon Musks, Tom Bradys, and Meryl Streeps of this world get all the attention, headlines, and trophies. So we think we need to make a name for ourselves. We believe that we must do something outstanding or we will be considered a failure. If no one notices us, we wonder if we’ve wasted our lives. 

But when I look at how Jesus interacted with people, I find that it wasn’t the rich and famous that He praised. One story about a woman who would never make the list of “Who’s Who in Jerusalem” demonstrates this point. Jesus went to the temple and sat down across from the place where worshipers left their offerings. He saw many wealthy people deposit large amounts of money in the treasury box. Yet, He praised a woman who only dropped in two small copper coins worth only a few cents. Jesus said, “Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on” (Mark 12:43-44). Jesus measured success not by the amount given but by the amount sacrificed. 

We don’t need to have great wealth to find success in God’s eyes. Instead, He notices those who give generously.

2. Success is a Destination

Often I find myself thinking: Once I reach this goal, I’ll know I’ve made it. Or: If I could only have this one particular possession or position, I’ll know I’ve arrived. But even when I’ve achieved the goal, I’m rarely satisfied. When we view success as a destination, disappointment may meet us at the end of the road.

Psychologists have a term for this success lie: arrival fallacy. This phenomenon is the false belief that achieving a particular goal will ensure happiness. Joy may come after completion of the objective yet quickly fade. Experts tell us pursuing goals can benefit us, but the problem lies in expecting the accomplishment to deliver contentment when it is actually the journey toward the aspiration that brings life meaning and purpose. 

Apostle Paul demonstrated this principle when he wrote, “Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13-14). Like a runner desperate for a gold medal, Paul stretched toward the ultimate prize of eternal life. He admitted he had not yet reached the goal of perfection but continually pressed on and strained forward toward heaven.

We find joy not in reaching a destination but in delighting in the journey with the Lord at our side.

Discover the other 3 lies on

You can learn more about a biblical view of success in my new book, Measured by Grace: How God Defines Success. If you’ve ever felt like your life is a mess or that it’s too small to make any difference, read how God defines success!

This book studies eight “failures” in the Bible–people who either made a big mess of their lives or simply didn’t look like a success in the eyes of the world. By examining their lives you’ll discover that God redeems our failures and doesn’t measure us by wealth or fame. He measures us by His grace! You can find out more about this eight-week Bible study book and download a FREE chapter here.

For When You Fall Flat

When you fail or mess up, you may wonder if Christ will give up on you. But the life of the apostle Peter can give you hope when you fall flat.

Peter’s life with Jesus wasn’t a long string of successes. The bold, impulsive disciple got himself into a load of trouble. And often his failures began with stupendous success before he fell flat.

Peter’s Big Failure

In the Garden of Gethsemane, Peter began with swagger but experienced failure. On the way to Jesus’ favorite prayer spot, Jesus had warned the disciples that all of them would desert Him. He specifically told Peter, “Truly, I tell you, this very night, before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times” (Matthew 26:34). Plucky Peter couldn’t even imagine this scenario. He boasted, “Even if I must die with You, I will not deny You!” (Matthew 26:35).

After that bit of bravado, Peter was probably as surprised as anyone at the events that happened only a few hours later. When Judas came with a crowd of men with clubs and swords, Peter must have watched in confusion as Jesus allowed them to tie His hands and lead Him away.

Peter used the last bit of his courage to follow Jesus at a distance as the guards led Him to the home of the high priest. Perhaps everything would have been fine if one sassy little servant girl hadn’t stared at Peter and said, “You also were with Jesus the Galilean” (Matthew 26:69). Peter tried to evade her accusation by saying, “I do not know what you mean” (Matthew 26:70).

Peter then stepped away from the fire and stood at the entrance of the courtyard. Did his conscience bother him a bit? Did he feel he was in danger staying so close to Jesus? Did he hope to avoid any more questions? Unfortunately, stepping away didn’t stop the accusations. Another servant girl saw Peter in the doorway and announced to everyone nearby, “This man was with Jesus of Nazareth” (Matthew 26:71). Peter’s denial then escalated. He replied with an oath, “I do not know the man” (Matthew 26:72).

An hour passed. What went through Peter’s mind during those sixty minutes? Did he want to run away, yet couldn’t bear to leave Jesus? Did he realize what he had done? Or was he too worried about Jesus and his own safety for the words that he had spoken to register? At any rate, another person came up to Peter and said, “Certainly you too are one of them, for your accent betrays you” (Matthew 26:73). Once more Peter’s failure progressed, “He began to invoke a curse on himself and to swear, ‘I do not know the man’” (Matthew 26:74). In other words, he said, “May a curse come on me if I’m lying. I promise I don’t know the man.” Before Peter’s sentence ended, a rooster crowed.

This account shows us how God included stories of human failure in His Word to comfort us. Although Jesus saw Peter at his worst and sees us when we fail, He still marched to the cross to take the punishment we all deserved.

When We Have Failed, We Can Still Run To Jesus.

Notice I didn’t write if we have failed but when we have failed. Because of our humanness, we will often trip up in following God’s commands. We will say the wrong thing or neglect to do the right thing. Maybe our collapse won’t match the magnitude of Judas’s or Peter’s, but we will experience significant failure. And when fall flat, we need to realize we have a choice. We can wallow in guilt like Judas did. Or we can discover forgiveness like Peter found.

In studying the life of Peter, I recently noticed an important detail in the Gospel of Luke. When the two men on the road to Emmaus returned to Jerusalem to tell the disciples about seeing the resurrected Savior, Jesus’ disciples told the men from Emmaus, “The Lord has risen indeed and has appeared to Simon!” (Luke 24:34). That little sentence tells us Jesus met Peter privately before He appeared to the whole group of disciples.

Scripture doesn’t give us any details of the meeting, yet we can imagine what that meeting might have been like. Peter a mess of joy at seeing Jesus and grief at knowing he had disappointed His Friend. Jesus holding out His nail-scarred hands to Peter, letting him know his failure did not mean an end to their relationship. I find it so touching that Jesus took time for a personal and private meeting to reassure the repentant disciple of His love.

At times we all need this reassurance. We may consider our failures too big for forgiveness and we begin to sink in shame. One woman I know constantly struggles with guilt even though all her friends would describe her as a wonderful person. Intellectually, she knows Jesus’ death has paid for all her wrongs, yet she can’t seem to accept that reality in a way that frees her from the burden of self-reproach. When I told her about Jesus’ private meeting with Peter to reassure him of complete forgiveness, she said, “Jesus needs to do that for me, too.” And I replied, “Oh, but He has! Jesus has given reminders of His forgiveness throughout His Word!” Here are a few:

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)

There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:1)

As far as the east is from the west, so far does He remove our transgressions from us. (Psalm 103:12)

When you feel weighed down by your guilt, confess your sin and accept the pardon Jesus offers. Let Him remove the sin from your heart and the burden of shame from your shoulders. Then run to Him with the joy of forgiveness.

God’s Measure of Success

God doesn’t measure our success by our perfection. He instead invites us to a successful life of living joyfully forgiven. I love the story in John 21 where Jesus met the disciples at the Sea of Galilee after His resurrection. When the disciples lowered their nets on the right side of the boat at the suggestion of the stranger on the beach and pulled up so many fish they couldn’t haul in the net, John recognized the stranger as Jesus. But it was Peter—too impatient to wait for the boat to reach the shore—who jumped in and swam to Jesus. He no longer shrank back in fear, wondering what Jesus might think of him. He was joyfully forgiven!

Aren’t you thankful that Jesus chose bumbling Peter as a disciple? Because of Peter’s story, we find confidence in the truth that when we have failed, we can still run (or walk or crawl or even swim) to Jesus, the source of mercy and grace.

This post is adapted from my new book, Measured by Grace: How God Defines Success. If you’ve ever felt like your life is a mess or that it’s too small to make any difference, read how God defines success!

This book studies eight “failures” in the Bible–people who either made a big mess of their lives or simply didn’t look like a success in the eyes of the world. By examining their lives you’ll discover that God redeems our failures and doesn’t measure us by wealth or fame. He measures us by His grace!

You can find out more about this eight-week Bible study book and download a FREE chapter here.

How Does God Measure Success?

How does God measure success?

When I examine how our culture measures success, it certainly looks like the world’s success meter rises with every dollar earned, promotion granted, or trophy won, and plummets with each financial loss, professional downfall, or athletic defeat.

But how does God measure success? When we examine the life of Joseph in the Old Testament, we discover how different God’s definition of success is from the world’s definition. Genesis 39:3 tells us this about Joseph, “the Lord caused all that he did to succeed in his hands.” When did he experience this success? When he was the favored child of his father Jacob, wearing a beautiful coat that set him apart from his siblings? No, the Bible tells us that God made Joseph successful when he was a slave in Egypt. Working for Potiphar, a captain in Pharaoh’s guard.

Another verse in Genesis tells us something similar about Joseph, “Whatever he did, the Lord made it succeed” (Genesis 39:23). When did this success occur? When he worked for Pharaoh? When he was second-in-command of the land of Egypt? No, Joseph’s success happened while suffering in prison. Working for the prison keeper.

In these unlikely places, God granted Joseph success.

Is This Success?

But I wonder: Did it feel like success to Joseph? Before prison, the work he did for Potiphar made the Egyptian’s home thrive. His master noticed Joseph’s excellent efforts and gave him more and more responsibility, until “he left all that he had in Joseph’s charge” (Genesis 39:6). The jailer, too, noticed Joseph’s excellent management skills and put him in charge of the prisoners. (This in itself is remarkable. Who would put one inmate in charge of others?) Even one of the other prisoners benefited from Joseph’s unique abilities. Joseph’s interpretation of the cupbearer’s dream came true and this servant of Pharaoh was released from jail. Everything Joseph did turned to gold—for someone else.

If someone had said to Joseph, “The Lord was with Joseph, and he became a successful man” (Genesis 39:2), he might have laughed out loud. Scripture tells us Joseph was seventeen years old when his brothers sold him into slavery (Genesis 37:2) and thirty years old when Pharaoh made him second-in-command (Genesis 41:46). Joseph spent thirteen years as a slave and a prisoner. I doubt he would have described himself as successful.

Not only do I find it remarkable that the Bible describes Joseph as successful when he is a slave and a prisoner, but it doesn’t label him a success when he later becomes Pharaoh’s right-hand man and saves the country from starvation. This doesn’t seem to make sense.

Joseph had success when he served as a slave and languished in jail, but not when he became the second-most powerful man in the world? Throughout the account of the famine and Joseph collecting grain and selling it to the people, preventing nationwide starvation, the Bible doesn’t include a phrase like “the Lord caused everything Joseph did to succeed.”

Perhaps Scripture omits the phrase because Joseph’s success is so obvious, there’s no need to point it out. But perhaps the omission of the word success when Joseph clearly obtains it demonstrates how God defines that word.

Success in God’s Eyes

Success in the world looks big—stadiums filled with fans. Success in the world looks impressive—fancy corner offices with diplomas on the walls. Success looks like fame—names on brightly lit marquees.

But success in God’s eyes doesn’t necessarily look big or impressive.

The Hebrew word for “success” in Genesis 39 is salah. It means “to advance, prosper, make progress, succeed, be profitable.”7 The word sometimes portrays worldly success that even evil people can achieve, such as in Psalm 37:7: “Fret not yourself over the one who prospers [salah] in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices!” But usually, success in the Old Testament doesn’t happen without the Lord’s help.

The success the Bible talks about is not primarily worldly prosperity but submission to the Lord and living in His presence. In Joseph’s story, God described Joseph as successful when he was a slave and a prisoner. God measures our success based on our dependence on Him.

Success is Doing Your Best Wherever You Find Yourself

One of the lessons we can learn from Joseph’s life is: Do your best in whatever position you find yourself.

When Joseph was a slave, he could have moped and complained to God and done his work half-heartedly, but the Bible doesn’t tell us so. As a slave, he could not have avoided work, but I doubt Potiphar would have put Joseph in charge of his household if Joseph had made only minimal effort.

Whatever work you find yourself doing—balancing the books, teaching rambunctious preschoolers, running a multinational corporation, scrubbing muddy floors—know that God notices your vocation.
You are doing important work even if the world says it’s lowly. Colossians 3:23–24 says,

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.”

Do your best because you serve a God who is gracious to you.

Although we may view our lives as disappointments, God declares them triumphant when we trust Him to complete the work He has given us—great or small.

This post is adapted from my new book, Measured by Grace: How God Defines Success. If you’ve ever felt like your life is a mess or that it’s too small to make any difference, read how God defines success!

This book studies eight “failures” in the Bible–people who either made a big mess of their lives or simply didn’t look like a success in the eyes of the world. By examining their lives you’ll discover that God redeems our failures and doesn’t measure us by wealth or fame. He measures us by His grace!

You can find out more about this eight-week Bible study book here.

How to Find Soul Rest in Five Minutes

Do you struggle to find soul rest? I know I do.

Maybe it’s because you find yourself in one of these scenarios!

You drive past a neighbor’s perfectly manicured lawn and groan as you remember your own knee-length grass and unruly hydrangea bushes. Or you see your friend joyfully announce her promotion on Instagram and can’t help but think of your own seemingly dead-end job. You find yourself comparing.

You push yourself harder, yet seem to make little progress. Even with please-the-boss-at-all-costs hours at the job, push-it-to-the-limit workouts at the gym, and can’t-let-anything-slide task lists at home, you feel like you keep falling behind. You find yourself striving.

Toys litter every square foot of the family room. Two of your kids need help with their homework. The spaghetti sauce boils over on the stove. Your husband texts that he’s stuck in traffic. You find yourself stressing out.

Your boss points out a serious flaw on the report you turned in yesterday. The cookies you bake to impress the bake sale coordinators look like black clods of dirt on the baking sheet. You don’t achieve that bigger profit margin you anticipated this month. Impatient words fly out of your mouth in the direction of your children—again. You find yourself feeling like a failure. 

Life is hectic. Unpredictable. Draining. Sometimes even soul-crushing. How can we find soul rest in the middle of our messy lives?

Maybe what we all need is a little more grace—in five-minute portions.

Grace in Bite-Size Portions

As a Bible teacher, I encourage everyone to have time with God in His Word every day. We always benefit from hiding God’s Word in our hearts, and spending time in prayer. But we all go through seasons where we can’t spend the time we want to in the spiritual disciplines.

Perhaps you love spending time in God’s Word, participating in a small group Bible study, and writing in a prayer journal. But right now you barely have time to comb your hair in the morning and grab a piece of toast on your way out the door. Taking care of your soul feels like one more thing you’re failing at.

Or maybe your life does allow you to have a devotional time each day, yet right now it simply seems like another item on your to-do list instead of a life-giving practice. Even though you open your Bible in the morning, you still find yourself drenched in stress during the day.

When we find ourselves overwhelmed with stress and striving, perhaps we can find grace in bite-size chunks.

That’s why I wrote a little ebook that offers five-minute soul rest practices for when you find yourself comparing, striving, stressing out, or generally feeling like a failure. Think of these suggestions as small ways to reconnect with the God who created you, gifted you, and longs to renew your soul.

Here’s a sample of what you will find:

for when you find yourself comparing…

Meditate on Galatians 6:4. Slowly read, “But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor.” God encourages us to look at our own work and not compare it to others. Spend five minutes writing down the big and small ways you have obeyed God’s call on your life in the last week in your job and in your home.

for when you find yourself striving…

Let go as you empty out your purse (or wallet). Read Matthew 11:28: “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” As you unpack all the things you’ve been physically carrying around, think about what less tangible items have been weighing down your soul. Give each worry and concern to God. Trust Him to take care of them.

for when you find yourself stressing out…

Slow down. Proverbs 19:2 warns against the danger of hurry, “Desire without knowledge is not good, and whoever makes haste with his feet misses his way.” When we feel stressed, we often operate at the fastest speed possible in order to get everything done. But that can lead to more tension, anxiety, and even mistakes. So for your next task, slow down and for the next few minutes practice being present. If you’re at work, truly pay attention to the person you’re talking with. If you’re chopping vegetables for dinner, notice the colors and textures God created. If you’re folding laundry, thank the Father for providing clothes and the person who wears each item. Staying in the moment can change your perspective and lower your stress.

for when you find yourself feeling like a failure…

Meditate on God’s definition of success. Success in our world looks like big and important. So when we feel small and insignificant, we may feel like a failure. Matthew 20:26-27 says, “Whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave.” Success in God’s kingdom looks like humility and service.

I encourage you to read through the menu of ideas and mark the ones that sound intriguing. Experiment with one or two each day. Use the practices to allow God to recalibrate your spirit. Find a little more grace—in five-minute portions.

Click the button below to get the FREE ebook and find soul-rest in five-minute portions.

11 Ways to Flourish in the New Year

What does it mean to flourish? How can we flourish in our daily lives? in our spiritual lives? in our messy lives?

These are the questions that I endeavored to answer during 2021. I chose the word flourish to guide my time with God and give focus to my writing and everyday decisions.

For several years I’ve adopted the practice of choosing one word to provide a focus for the next 365 days. Sometimes my intended focus has fallen flat like so many New Year’s resolutions. I knew I needed to do more than simply choose a word to make it a guiding force for my life, so I became more proactive in studying and implementing my own word. I did things like studying the meaning of the word, reading books on the topic, and finding Scriptures using the chosen word. If you would like to learn more about this process and get a free guide titled, “7 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Word of the Year” read this article.

What Does It Mean To Flourish?

I chose the word flourish because I was in the process of writing a book about how God defines success (a book scheduled to hit the shelves in July 2022!). I thought about choosing the word success but decided on one of its synonyms because I loved the sound of flourish.

Looking up the word in the dictionary, I discovered that flourish means:

As a verb:

  1. to grow luxuriantly
  2. to achieve success, to reach a height of development or influence

As a noun:

  1. a florid bit of speech or writing, an ornamental stroke in writing or printing
  2. a period of thriving, a luxuriant growth or profusion

In Hebrew, one of the words sometimes translated as flourish is raʿănān meaning “to be or grow luxuriant or fresh or green.” Flourishing implies lush, abundant growth.

Putting it all together, to flourish is to experience abundant growth and improvement, to thrive and succeed.

What Does Flourishing Look Like In My Everyday Life?

This is one of the questions I pondered while writing my book about success in God’s eyes. After studying eight people in the Bible who experienced worldly failure but heavenly success, I would boil down all the lessons I learned into one principle:

Flourishing means living in my sacred worth as God’s beloved child. This frees me from a constant search for validation through achievement and making a name for myself. I can flourish when I remember to whom I belong!

When I remember this truth, disappointments still hurt, but don’t hit me as hard if I remember my position as someone God loves dearly. I can work from a position of already being loved and cherished instead of striving to prove myself. For me, this changes everything!

11 More Ways to Flourish

Another way I studied the concept of “flourish” was to memorize Bible verses that either contained the word “flourish” or “success.” Here are some of the lessons I learned from God’s Word.

  1. I flourish when I trust in God’s unfailing love:

But I am like an olive tree
    flourishing in the house of God;
I trust in God’s unfailing love for ever and ever. (Psalm 52:8 NIV)

2. Flourishing isn’t arriving, but growing. It happens when I trust in God’s righteousness instead of my own resources:

Whoever trusts in his riches will fall,
    but the righteous will flourish like a green leaf. (Proverbs 11:28 ESV)

3. I flourish when I spend time with God:

They are planted in the house of the Lord;
    they flourish in the courts of our God. (Psalm 92:13 ESV)

4. Returning to God, repenting of my sins, and dwelling in God’s mercy will make me flourish like the grass–which grows abundantly. These actions will also help me blossom–display God’s beauty–and bring fame–help others notice God, not me:

They shall return and dwell beneath my shadow;
    they shall flourish like the grain;
they shall blossom like the vine;
    their fame shall be like the wine of Lebanon. (Hosea 14:7 ESV)

5. God enables me to flourish. He makes it happen:

You heavens above, rain down my righteousness; let the clouds shower it down. Let the earth open wide, let salvation spring up, let righteousness flourish with it; I, the Lord, have created it. (Isaiah 45:8 NIV)

6. I flourish because of God’s righteousness:

The righteous will flourish like a palm tree,
    they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon;
13 planted in the house of the Lord,
    they will flourish in the courts of our God. (Psalm 92:12-13 NIV)

7. Flourishing is not chasing success in an attempt to surpass others:

Then I observed that most people are motivated to success because they envy their neighbors. But this, too, is meaningless—like chasing the wind. (Ecclesiastes 4:4 NLT)

8. I flourish when I focus on steadfast love and faithfulness–both God’s love and faithfulness toward me and when I act loving and faithful:

Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you;
    bind them around your neck;
    write them on the tablet of your heart.
So you will find favor and good success
    in the sight of God and man. (Proverbs 3:3-4 ESV)

9. I flourish when I meditate on God’s Word and obey it:

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. (Joshua 1:8 NIV)

10. I flourish when I receive godly counsel.

Plans go wrong for lack of advice;
    many advisers bring success. (Proverbs 15:22 NLT)

11. I flourish when I sharpen my skills.

If the ax is dull
    and its edge unsharpened,
more strength is needed,
    but skill will bring success. (Ecclesiastes 10:10)

I pray that you will flourish in the year ahead!

Next step: If you want to flourish through choosing one word to guide your year, consider using my free resource, “7 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Word of the Year.” Get it here.

Why It’s Not Too Late to Try Something Hard

At times I have thought: I can’t do that. It’s too late to try something hard. But a trip to Zion National Park changed my perspective.

A few years ago, my husband and I went to this awesome park (it’s one of my three favorite national parks). When we first arrived, we simply drove up and down the scenic highway and took pictures. We hiked a few easy and moderately difficult trails. But on our third day in the park, we decided to be brave and try one of the most difficult trails in the park–Angel’s Landing.

Angel's Landing002 - CopyThis trail climbs and climbs through multiple switchbacks, arriving at a place where you need to climb on a very narrow ridge, clinging to chains anchored in the stone. Although we only made it a little way on the most dangerous part because it started snowing and blowing something fierce, we felt pretty good about our fitness and bravery for having made it that far.

There was only one thing that dampened our satisfaction in our accomplishment–as we were huffing and puffing our way up the section of the trail known as Walter’s Wiggles, a couple in their 70s passed us!

We had stopped to take a couple of pictures (and catch our breath) when this very fit senior couple–zipped right on by!

view from the top of "Walter's Wiggles"

view from the top of “Walter’s Wiggles”

Let me tell you–some of my bravado for even trying this insane trail fizzled out. What did it say about my fitness if someone twenty years older could outdo me?

But what if I looked at this in another way?

What if seeing this older couple helped me to realize getting older didn’t necessarily mean getting worse? What if getting older meant I could still achieve daring things? What if I could still could climb higher and realize new goals?

Wherever we are in life, God has great plans for us. In Isaiah He tells us:

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11

God’s plans don’t have age restrictions. If you are young and just starting out life on your own–God has a wonderful design for your life. If you are in the middle of your life, God is planning something amazing. If you are like the couple that passed me on the path, God is working out something astounding for you too. Let’s not give up!

I could let that couple that passed me on the Angel’s Landing trail discourage me.

Or I could let them inspire me. Inspire me not to use age as an excuse. Inspire me keep working at my goals. Inspire me to keep climbing higher.

And just maybe–inspire me to pass up people twenty years younger!

Next step: Is there a goal or activity that you’ve wanted to do but keep telling yourself it’s too hard? Take it to the Lord, remembering He has great plans for you! Ask Him if He wants you to step out in faith and try it.

4 Ways to Have a More Productive (and Meaningful!) Year


Life is hectic and we all look for ways to make our days more productive and meaningful. One way I do this is through careful planning and strategizing.

To accomplish this, I often made New Year’s resolutions at the end of each year.  As I put up a new calendar on my fridge, I made lists of goals and plans. (I love lists!) But most of the time what happened was that I made a beautiful plan for the new year–and then promptly forgot about it.

But now I’ve found some methods and routines that help me actually accomplish my goals. These habits help me have a meaningful life–and not just a productive one. 

A Daily Routine

I learned about daily routines from Crystal Paine. A routine is simply a set of things that you do in the same order every day. Choosing to do what is important or useful and then developing the habit of doing those things every day helps me actually do what I intend. I already had a morning routine that consisted of exercise, breakfast, getting dressed, and a quiet time with God. But Crystal suggests also using afternoon and evening routines.  So now I have developed a routine for the end of my workday. When I am ready to quit for the day, I:

  • save the day’s work
  • do a final check of email
  • check my calendar for upcoming commitments
  • neaten my desk
  • shut down my computer
  • say a prayer of thanks for work accomplished

My evening routine is:

  • clean kitchen counters after dinner
  • have time for reading
  • lay out clothes for next day
  • practice examen before I go to sleep

These simple routines help me end my day peacefully and start the day with a clean slate.

Weekly Review Time

The idea of a weekly review came from leadership expert Michael Hyatt. A weekly review is a specific time slot in your schedule set aside for evaluating the past week and setting up the next. During this time you will review:

  • your goals
  • the calendar for the next week
  • your to-do lists (What did you accomplish? What do you plan to do next week?)

I love the concept of a weekly review. For two years I have tried (unsuccessfully) to incorporate them into my schedule. But this year I am making this a priority because I think it will help me stay focused on my goals. It will help me concentrate on what is important and not just what is urgent.

Monthly Personal Retreat

The daily routines and weekly reviews help me be productive and goal-oriented. But checking things off on a to-do list doesn’t guarantee a meaningful life. Planning and goal-setting don’t get me anywhere but lost and frustrated if I’m not following God’s plan for my life.

I am convinced that I need extended quiet time to connect with God to hear His voice and seek His will for my life. So I try to take one day (or one morning) out of each month for a personal spiritual retreat. I am learning this time away each month needs to be a priority. During this time I read my Bible, journal my concerns and questions, and wait for God’s answers. You can learn more and get your own Soul Spa Kit with 59 ideas for a personal retreat here.

Live Like I’m Loved

My type-A personality loves goals and plans. but lately, God has been teaching me that these can get in the way of my relationship with Him. I tend to base my self-worth in my accomplishments. When I check off everything on my to-do list, I feel good about myself. When I don’t, I feel like a failure.

But God is teaching me that my self-worth is not based in how many goals I can accomplish. My value comes from being a daughter of the Most High King. I’m finding that a meaningful life does not come from to-do lists, daily routines, weekly reviews, and monthly retreats–but from abiding in Christ’s love.

Jesus said,

As the Father loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love. John 15:9

Living in Jesus’ love is the best way to have a productive and meaningful year.

Next step: Start by posting John 15:9 somewhere you will see it every day to remind yourself to live loved. Then consider if a daily routine, weekly review, or monthly retreat might be useful for you.

How a NOT-To-Do List Can Help You Succeed


Today I’m posting over at my friend Melanie’s site. Read this preview and click to read the rest!

Last year started out with grim news.

My husband was diagnosed with lymphoma.

It was a shock for this guy who never takes a sick day. He never had any symptoms. He didn’t feel ill.

not-to-do-listSoon all of our to-do lists were relegated to the garbage can. Instead of our usual work and social activities, our schedules were crammed with doctor visits, tests, and treatments. Our over-packed lives had to make room for more important things. I personally needed to weed out the frivolous to find time for what was necessary—being available for my husband….

Read more…