Joy Stealers: Comparison - Sharla Fritz

Joy Stealers: Comparison

Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else.

My friend Gail recently called to tell me the news. She had just accepted a fabulous new position. Her voice bubbled in excitement as she explained that she and her husband had just been chosen to head a national ministry.

I gave a little squeal  and a big, “Congratulations!” I know this job is perfect for her personality and gifts.

After we hung up, I realized that I was truly happy for her.

And this was a bit of a shock.

In the past, news like this might have sent me into a tailspin. Oh sure, I would still have been happy for her. The intellectual part of me would have recognized the great benefits this new position will have for her life. The friend part of me would have rejoiced with her good fortune.

But the emotional part of me would have been pouting.

My soul would have stuck out its lip. My heart would have crossed its arms. My spirit would have furrowed its brow out clenched its jaw.

Why? Because of comparison.

Is comparison stealing joy

You see, Gail will be flying all over the country to speak and lead workshops. She will be recognized as a national leader. People will turn to her for guidance and advice.

In the past, I would have compared my ministry to hers and felt small-er, odinary-er, insignificant-er.

OK, so those aren’t all real words. But I think it’s the -er the gets us in trouble. It’s the act of comparing that often steals our joy.

Galatians 6:4 says:

Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else.

Why does the Bible give us that advice? Because there will always be someone rich-er, thinn-er, pretti-er than me. There will always be someone more successful, more respected, more important than me.

If I focus on that I will not be able to find joy in the work God has given me now. I will tend to question the road God has put me on. My soul will start to pout.

I will lose my joy.

As women we tend to compare ourselves to each other. We measure ourselves by the women around us.

But God is speaking to our hearts:

Daughter, don’t compare yourself to the other women in your life. Don’t grade yourself on a curve. I know the pressure you put on yourself to be more, to have more. But the truth is I created you just the way you are. You are exactly where I want you to be right now. Find joy on the path you are on and in the knowledge that I have an astounding plan for your life. Watch and see.

Don’t let the -ers put your heart into a pout. Don’t let comparison steal your joy.

Next step: Today watch out for the thief of comparison. Concentrate on finding joy in doing your own work well.

By the way, here is a picture of me with my friend Gail at a conference in St. Louis!



  1. Congratulations are in order to you to, for choosing joy!